Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Hern Family is home safe and sound

Hello Everyone,

Craig and I arrived home safe and sound late Sunday night. We are so excited and even though the jet lag is hurting us big time we can't sleep because we lay in bed amazed that our daughter is finally sleeping in her room down the hall.

We loved Thailand it's beautiful and we enjoyed the time we spent there with our daughter but it is great to be home. We missed our family and friends a great deal. It was hard not being able to share our joy with everyone.

Kanya did well on the flight home until about the last hour and a half on the plane and at the Airport in Toronto. She screamed the whole time we were picking up our luggage. The poor girl was overtired and overwhelmed I am sure.

She has struggled a little with jet lag, thinking she should sleep all day and be up all night. Last night however she slept all night in her own big girl bed in her room by herself. I am a proud mom!

She has seen snow for the first time and seems a little unsure of it. She walked around in it and kicked it for about ten minutes and then had about enough. She likes her winter coat, boots and mittens but not the hat so much. The cold doesn't seem to bother her at all.

Here are some pics from our trip. There are more on facebook because it is easier to post a large amount of pics there.

Our first morning in Thailand

Proud Daddy

Enjoying the sun at Gentle Nest where Kanya spent her first 2.4 years

Fun times


Donna Paonessa said...

Welcome home!!! I'll give you a call in a couple of weeks. Feel free to call me before though, if you're concerned about anything.


Anonymous said...

Welcome Home......I am so happy for all of you. Can't wait to see more photos on facebook....hope your mom has them on hers..
Take Care! You truly have a beautiful little girl...

Denise O'Brien

Julie said...

Hope things are going well. The photos from Thailand were great. My husband and I are still waiting for our travel date but hope it will not be too long! We would love to in Chiang mai in March/ April.