Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Adoption is a process, not an event

I can't remember where I heard that quote but it is so true. Kanya continues to do well. Everyday she seems to say or do something new. The last two days she has been wanting daddy to hold her more and more. She even follows him around. You can imagine how happy this makes Craig.
For the first month Kanya did so well she slept through the night almost every night, ate very well and seemed to be more and more social every day. I think we thought we had this parenting figured out--just joking. About a week and a half ago she started having some night terrors. I do not wish to share details out of respect for Kanya's privacy but if any of you adoptive parents out there who have had experiences with night terrors would like to email me and give me their advice that would be great. The reason I bring it up is that is served as a reminder to my husband and I just how much this little girl has gone through. Maybe she can't always share or even understand her feelings but it doesn't mean we should not be sympathetic. Everytime I read someones blog (including mine) that talks about how happy they are to be home, I have to remember that this security is exactly what our children lose.

Kanya with her cousin Makenna

Kanya getting ready for cousin Kian's birthday party.